Tangent Training Division
Tangent Fire District is composed of volunteer and career staff. The Training Division develops and designs all training within the district. We train our personnel to be safe, efficient and effective. The Training Division is certified to teach the following in house courses: Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, Wildland Firefighter, Pumper Operator and Fire Officer 1.
New recruits go through a 160-hour fire academy. The academy encompasses firefighter 1, firefighter 2 and hazardous materials. Volunteers and staff attend Tuesday night weekly drills to meet on going recertification process. These drills cover topics in fire suppression, rescues, extrication, wildland, incident command and EMS. The commitment of our volunteers/staff is to maintain the highest level of proficiency for the community and surrounding are that they serve.
Don't train until you get it right! Train until you can't get it wrong!